Friday, March 6, 2020

Throw Out - Phrasal Verb of the Day

Throw Out - Phrasal Verb of the Day Todays phrasal verb of the day is: Throw OutInfinitive form: Throw OutPresent Tense: Throw Out/ Throws Outing form: Throwing OutPast tense: Threw OutPast Participle: Thrown OutThrow Out is a separable English phrasal verb. It can be used in two different ways:When you get rid of something by putting it in a trash can, bin, etc1. Instead of throwing stuff out, why not sell or donate them to the needy?2. When Sandra found out about her husbands cheating, she threw his clothes out the door.When you forcefully order people to leave a party, building, house, etc. The term Kick Out can be used interchangeably in this context1. Jim needs a place to stay. He was thrown out of his apartment last night for almost torching the place last night.2. The angry host was throwing a heavily drunken guest out of his party just as soon as we arrived.iframe width=560 height=315 src=// frameborder=0 allowfullscreen/iframeExercises: Write your answers in comments and we will correct them.Fill in the gaps from the video above:You cant ____ him ____, I want him!Complete the sentences below with the correct form of Throw Out.1. I cant believe the landlady ____ me ___ for ____ a candy wrapper ____ the window!2.  Alex doesnt really need to ____ ___ stuff just to get more space in his room; He can just rearrange the furniture.3. One mans trash is another mans treasure and this exactly why Harry doesnt ____ his things ___easily  and instead organized a garage sale.4. When the fire broke out, my uncle were frantically _____ his shoes ___ the door.5. Have you heard about the celebrity who was ____ ___ of the car by his own wife? Man, what a sight! He must have done something really bad to get her wife that way.Change the example sentences above to negative sentences (or positive, if the sentence is already negative). Then change them to questions.

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